Your Money God’s Way: Overcoming the 7 Money Myths That Keep Christians Broke is a 191-page paperback book that tackles a topic that most Christian leaders keep mum about: money. It is written by Amie Streater who currently serves as the associate pastor of financial stewardship for the 10,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs.
I am a Christian but I have to admit that there are times when I do away with Christian books because some books sound too “preachy” to the point that it borders on hypocrisy. This book, Your Money God’s Way, is definitely not one of those. It even had me at Preface – I already had a mental note of rating it with 5 stars after I’m done with the review.
Amie Streater is straightforward and despite quoting some texts from the Bible, she didn’t sound sententious or sermonizing. Her effort to connect with her readers and her style of writing made it easier for the readers to take what she’s writing as a piece of valuable information and advice to improve their financial standing.
I recommend this book to all Christians who would like to get out of debt, build wealth, gain financial freedom, and stay that way – for life. Money myths might be stopping you from doing these so it’s worthwhile to read this book to find out.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
i am a Christian too and I don’t read the Bible that much 🙂 but I love books that are related to my religion and to God. it is good that you have shared here what you have read and liked about the book 🙂
i like reading the Bible, as well as inspirational books. What I don’t like about some Christian book authors is that air of smugness in them – they make you feel like they are looking down on you because they feel that they are perfect.
Your review makes me want to read the book as well. By the way, thanks for recommending booksneeze sis, I got an email from them saying that the book I requested for review will be sent here soon. 🙂
it’s a worthwhile book to read sis. i’m glad that you’re now a part of Booksneeze. advance happy birthday too. 🙂
Thanks Gee for sharing about this book. Sounds interesting to read. I also signed up for Booksneeze but have yet to post my first review.