It’s spring time and I can’t wait to start on my garden. I am actually excited but apprehensive right now. I planted some seeds in a seed box this past weekend and I am waiting for those little seedlings to sprout anytime. I hope to see many greens soon! I invested in a water flow measurement tool so I can better water garden and get better results this year.
I love gardening but this is the first time that I will be having a garden for a long time. After I got married, I did not really have the chance to start on one. Now that we are based here in Las Vegas, which is a desert where the soil is not suitable for gardening, I needed to do a lot of research first before starting my garden.
My next project is to have some green lawn for our home. I saw a website called and I think that this company is the answer to my problem on how I can have a green lawn here in Las Vegas. According to the website, their goal is to help lawns grow healthy, green and thick – and that is exactly what I wanted!
Wait, let me get my checklist… Do they have a branch or office near Las Vegas? Check! Do they offer discounts? They currently do so that is a check. Do they offer fertilization and weed control? Another check. Wow! A perfect score!
Have to go now. I need to call Green Lawn Care at is 1-855-545-4240 to get started on my plan.
Till then!
am sure you’ve got green thumbs , enjoy gardening!
thanks momsie!