If you happen to pass by here while my site was down, sorry! My bad!
Last night, I backed-up georyl.com for the first time. I forgot my database password so I changed it before I backed-up my files. And then I went to sleep.
When I checked my site this afternoon, I can’t access my wordpress blog. An error message says “Error establishing a database connection.” I checked GoDaddy’s Help Section and found a topic related to my problem but when I tried executing the steps, I was lost.
I emailed GoDaddy’s Support and got a reply after about three hours. The message I received was just the same instructions I had read in their Help Section.
I again tried my luck and repeated all the instructions but I can’t get pass the “Modify your wp-config.php file” part. I just can’t find that file!
Then I saw this: Page 1 of 2.
Aha! So that explains it. I thought that the wp-config.php file was missing from my folder. I wasn’t aware that my page view settings was set to show just 25 items per page and since that file is found on the next page, I didn’t see it immediately. Toinks!!!
From that moment, it took just a few seconds to finally fix the problem. In just a minute or two, my site was up again. Yes! Finally!
Lesson learned? Hmmm….
- Always back-up your files. (Yes, despite the problems I had encountered, this step is still a must.)
- Always remember your passwords (or at least jot them down or save them electronically – in whatever secure way you want to do it)
- Always read instructions.
- When you are looking for something, use your eyes!
- WordPress might be a user friendly blogging platform but if you mess with it, you’ll find yourself in big trouble.
- Your web host provider should have a prompt and helpful support staff.
- Again, read read read – and study some more – especially for non-tech savvy WP users like me.
That’s all I can think of now, care to add more?
PS. I still received EC drops even when my site was down. But that’s a different story. Wink.
Good day… that’s part of life! That is very normal, learning the steps your way, haha…
Keep it up and always be alert to whatever problem that may come your way. God Bless!:=)
Yeah, that’s a big toinks for me. But at least I learned something. Hehehe.
ahhhh no wonder! been visiting here but cannot n show the same error. glad that u’re back! 😀
yeah, finally! 🙂
my first time to visit your blog yesterday actually and its not working. I’m glad your site is up again.
Thanks for the visit Lhen. Visited you back. 🙂
LOL! sometimes what we are looking for are right in the very front of our eyes. glad you’re back 😉
you said it right sis! i’m glad too. very very glad!!! LOL!
*lol* Bee there, done that… 😉 I used to run several bulletin boards and webpages and well, every now and then I ran into problems like that. I do agree, a helpful support staff is great to have, things just get solved so much easily.
Bye bye…
Hi blanca, Yes, you’re right about that. I’ll just have to consider this as a learning experience.