Earlier today, I saw this picture of Georyl and her dad that was taken a few months ago. They are playing one of those arcade games at the Excalibur Hotel here in Las Vegas. In the picture, …
Georyl’s Dental Operation
My childhood memories on dental visits consist mainly of those times when I had some tooth extraction, filings and other major dental works that needed to be done on my teeth. Regular visits to the …
Georyl’s Favorite Play at the Park
Now that the winter chill is beginning to give way to the summer heat (it's still spring, by the way), we're spending more and more time at the park. Here's Georyl while she's sliding down the... …
Are You Scared to Use a Computer?
Are you one of those who are scared to use techie gadgets because you are scared that you might break them, you think that they are too hard to master or for whatever reason? Well, here's a tip: …
How To Pose Like GEORYL
My baby loves seeing her pictures whenever I use the computer. There are times when I can't even go online because she insists on viewing her videos and pictures. It was a good thing that I created …
Silly Baby!
"Silly daddy!" The first time I've heard that line from Georyl, I was surprised. For one, that's a word that we don't usually use and then the other reason is that we talk in "tagalog" (a language in …