Along Came You is a board book that was written by Karona Drummond and illustrated by Estelle Corke. It was written from a perspective of a mother who tells her daughter what changed in her life after her daughter was born.
The color scheme used and illustrations in the book imply that the author created this book only for girls. The font size used is a bit small for me but I like the illustrations and the colors.
I could relate to what the author has written in this book. Indeed there’s a big difference between my life when I didn’t have kids yet and my life now. I think that moms and daughters will have a great bonding time while reading this book together.
Disclosure: I received this book free in exchange for an honest review.
Hi She! It feels good to be back here after such a long time!
I haven’t gotten hold of any book for a while. I used to do it on the train on my way to work but I get side-tracked mostly doing FB stuff and keeping in touch with family and friends. Hopefully, I could find the time to read again soon.
Sounds like it’s a pretty good book. Perfect for mothers!
Thanks for swinging by at my blog. Appreciate it heaps! Mwah!