Cooking on a boat is not the same as at home. You are dealing with smaller spaces and appliances and maybe limited resources. However, it does not make the task impossible. Regardless of how long you plan to spend on the sea, you can still enjoy home comforts such as a cooked meal. Here are a few tips to guide you on your next boating trip.
Start Planning Early
Whether you are only spending one day or two weeks on a boat, you should start planning early. Write down the meals you plan to do shopping. The last thing you want is to find you forgot cooking oil or another important ingredient. You can also research simple recipes that do not need a lot of ingredients or time to prepare.
Make Use of Prepared Food and Package Mix
Cooking from scratch on a boat can be a lot of work, considering there is little room. To solve that problem, carry some prepared food or package mixes that are easy to store. It will reduce your cooking time on a boat. When making a list of foods to carry on a boat, always factor in what will not give you too much stress to prepare.
Use Space Wisely
You do not have much space to cook on a boat. Take center console fishing boats, for instance. Maybe you want to grill some fish on deck, but you also want to continue having fun. To manage your space, try cooking in steps instead of preparing everything at once. If you are making a salad on the side, first grill the fish, clear out the dishes, then start making the salad. It helps reduce clutter.
If planned well, cooking on a boat does not have to be stressful. Also, unless you are sailing alone, try to split the cooking duties among the people on board to ensure no one is overwhelmed.
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