As a mother who is responsible for family’s budgeting, I am always in search for ways to maximize my savings and save bucks for monthly bills such as water, electric and communication expenses.
Speaking of electric bills, I had learned that there are various ways to save on one’s electric bills. The first and major way is to conserve electric like turning off appliances when not in use. Another way is to upgrade to energy-efficient lights and appliances.
An example of energy-efficient bulbs is compact fluorescent lamp or CFL. By switching from the old and traditional light bulbs to CFL, you can save both from cutting electricity cost and from reducing your replacement costs for bulbs. Compact fluorescent lamps last longer than incandescent ones so you do not need to buy light bulbs now and then. In addition to that, CFL also use only one-third of the energy required by standard light bulbs so that equates to big savings in your home’s electrical consumption.
Aside from these factors, compact fluorescent lamps come in variety of styles, sizes and wattage for maximum control and energy efficiency. You can always find a great style that will fit your home’s design.
Make the switch and stop squirming every time to flip that switch! By saying goodbye to old bulbs and saying hello to CFL, you will not only save but you could help the environment as well. Why? Because saving energy reduces pollution as well.