It is common for people to associate the use of SAD lights or the term light therapy with a feeling of depression or sadness that occurs during the winter months. While statistics indicate that the use of SAD lights can reduce or eliminate the unhappy feeling associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder, there is a variety of reasons to make these lights a regular part of your day on a year round basis.
Improved mood
When your job, lifestyle or living arrangement prevents you from spending time outdoors and enjoying the benefits a sunny day offers, designating time to engage in some light therapy can lift your spirit. It can also help keep your internal clock in sync. Insufficient sleep can adversely affect your overall mood.
Improved concentration
SAD light boxes can help improve your level of concentration and increase your energy level when used consistently. Take a moment to think about the situations that typically cause you to lose focus or to feel gloomy. Mental sluggishness can affect your ability to concentrate. A lengthy period of rainy days can make you feel gloomy. When you incorporate light therapy into your daily schedule, you may be able to function at an optimum level regardless of the weather.
Light therapy boxes are an affordable way to eliminate the blues. When used throughout the year, they can improve your sleep habits, your energy level, your ability to stay focused and your general disposition.