Are you one of those who are scared to use techie gadgets because you are scared that you might break them, you think that they are too hard to master or for whatever reason?
Well, here’s a tip: don’t be! If my two year old daughter can navigate her way on our laptop, then you can too!
My baby can’t read (although she knows her alphabet and numbers 1 to 100) but it’s amazing how she can move the cursor and pick whatever program that she wants.
Her favorite is the PMB that shows all the videos and photos on our laptop. She’ll choose the video that she wants to watch and pause it when needed, or change it to another if it turns out that the video is not that interesting for her.
She also knows the icon for the Notepad. That’s where she’ll practice typing all those letters and numbers. When she’s at the keyboard, she understands the difference between a 0 (zero) and an O (the letter) because she usually says out aloud what she’s typing.
It’s a good thing that passwords were invented because it’s the only thing that stops her from using the laptop without us knowing. My, she knows where the power button is and most of the time, we’ll find all those dots on the password field – obviously Baby Georyl trying to gain access to the laptop by trying to decipher the laptop’s password.
Moral of the story: don’t be afraid to learn how to use a laptop or computer. If a toddler who can’t read can use it to her enjoyment, you can too. It only needs constant practice. With my daughter, she doesn’t even have a tutor. She observes how we do it and try to experiment on her own.
Just don’t try to go to the settings panel nor delete files unless you already know what your doing. That’s how I broke my first computer – deleting those weird sounding program names thinking they were viruses. LOL!
Dropping by here again. Any news for the coming anniversary giveaway?
sending you an email borris…
Good job, Baby G! Kanino nagmana. 😉
joint forces KM… LOL!
She is gonna be a genious!