Spring is almost through. By June 21, summer will officially start on this part of the world. Before the scorching heat of the sun maakes it impossible to enjoy the outdoors, our family will be spending a week-long outing again to enjoy the remaining days of spring.
Last year, we went camping in Utah, Arizona and Nevada along with my sister-in-law and her family. This year, we’ll go camping in California along with hubby’s sister and cousin and their respective families. If I am not mistaken, there’ll be 18 of us in this adventure. It is going to be great, for sure!
After spending the last few years camping, there’s one thing I had learned: it always pays to plan in advance and go prepared when going camping especially when you have kids, toddlers and babies in tow. Right now, I’m doing my research on tips on trips and camps so that we’ll have a wonderful adventure. We already booked our camping sites in advance, bought new tents, ordered an air bed (instead of sleeping bags) and purchased a generator. We already divided the stuffs that we need to bring (including first aid kits, food and utensils) and barring any glitches, we’re good to go.
Have you tried camping before? What other tips on trips and camps can you share?