Apple made the second generation of Ipod Touch (almost) useless and (soon-to-be) obsolete!
I remember sharing on this blog how happy I was when hubby gave me an Ipod touch in July 2010. It became my constant companion all these years because I’ve been using it in reading emails, playing games, banking online and more! I especially love the apps to connect to Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Blogger, Paypal and online bible. Since we have Wi-fi at home, it became my cellphone too (I used Pinger, an app that you can use to talk and text).
I am very disappointed now that the second generation of Ipod touch cannot be upgraded to version IOS 4.3 or higher. It’s stuck at version 4.2.1 which is not anymore supported by the developers of the latest versions of apps. When my favorite apps started freezing some time ago, I tried to upgrade them but it’s not possible anymore. The worst part is that I deleted some of the apps with the intention of reinstalling them but got dismayed because they need IOS 4.3 or IOS 5.0 in order to be installed. Now, I’m left with just a few apps (most of them freeze frequently already) on this soon to be obsolete gadget!
I’m so looking forward to buying an Ipad but I am having some second thoughts now. I hate to spend $500 on something that will be obsolete in a blink like my IPod touch 2nd generation that I received only in 2010.
Sad, sad, sad.